Dissemination and output

Peer-reviewed articles

“Neurosexism, Neurofeminism, and Neurocentrism: From Gendered Brains to Embodied Minds”. NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 2022, AHEAD-OF-PRINT. (available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/08038740.2022.2155244 accessed on 22 December)

“‘Natur’ er også et ord: Om å ta natur på alvor i feministisk teori”. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 72-74 (available at: https://www.idunn.no/doi/10.18261/tfk.46.2.4, accessed on 27 November 2022) [in Norwegian].

Popular-scientific contributions

“Å møte Barad på halvveien: Randbemerkninger til agensiell realisme (del II)” Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie, 12 April 2024 (available at: https://www.salongen.no/essay/agensiell-realisme/claus-halberg/femsag/202852, accessed on 1 August 2024) [in Norwegian]

“Å møte Barad på halvveien: Randbemerkninger til agensiell realisme (del I)” Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie, 8 April 2024 (available at https://www.salongen.no/essay/agential-realisme/feministisk-filosofi/fysikk/202711, accessed on 1 August 2024) [in Norwegian]

“Hjernemani som kulturell patologi – og hvordan den kan motvirkes (2)” Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie, 3 June 2021 (available at: https://www.salongen.no/om-hjernemani-som-kulturell-patologi-og-hvordan-… accessed on 3 June 2021) [in Norwegian].

“Hjernemani som kulturell patologi – og hvordan den kan motvirkes (1)” Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie, 29 May 2021 (available at: https://www.salongen.no/om-hjernemani-som-kulturell-patologi-og-hvordan-… accessed on 31 May 2021) [in Norwegian].

Conference papers

“(En)actively Debunking Neurosexism: Remarks of Clarification and Elaboration”. Paper presented at BIAS in AI and Neuroscience, transdisciplinary conference held at Radboud University, The Netherlands, 17-19 June, 2019.

“Debunking Neurosexist Nonsense the Enactive Way: The Case for an Alliance Between Neurofeminism and Enactivism”. Paper presented at SLSA 2018 – Out of Mind, the 32ndmeeting of the Society for Science, Literature, and the Arts, at the Hilton hotel, Toronto, 15-18 November, 2018.

“Transgendering the Merleau-Pontian Body: Not Necessarily an Easy Task”. Paper presented at The Normal and the Abnormal, the 47th annual meeting of the International Merleau-Ponty Circle, University of Tennessee Chattanooga, 8-10 November, 2018.

“Is Karen Barad a Naturalist?” Paper presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, State College, PA, 18-20 October, 2018.

“Feminism, Force and Finitude: On (Mis)understanding Elizabeth Grosz’s Darwinian Reflections on Life, Politics and Art”. Paper presented at Biopower, Biologics, Biospheres, the 12th annual meeting of philoSOPHIA: Society for Continental Feminism, at the University of Richmond, VA., 22-24 March, 2018.


Other oral presentations

“Neurosexism, Neurofeminism, and the Limits of Neuroplasticity”. Open seminar at the Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, University of Bergen, 16 January, 2019 (see https://www.uib.no/skok/123424/neurosexism-neurofeminism-and-limits-neuroplasticity).

“Is Karen Barad a Feminist Naturalist?” Open seminar at the Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, University of Bergen, 11 January, 2018 (see https://www.uib.no/skok/113341/karen-barad-feminist-naturalist)